2nd Amendment, Politics

Apparently Gun Ownership is a National Security Risk Now…

During an appearance on CNN’s Don Lemon Tonight on Monday, CNN national security Analyst Juliette Kayyem made the Orwellian suggestion that guns in America were a “homeland security problem.” But the craziness didn’t stop there as she claimed “responsible gun ownership” means you don’t own semi-automatic rifles and that gun manufacturers have made mass shootings “very sexy.”

Kayyem’s Orwellian declaration against guns came in her opening comments when she was speaking with Lemon about a shooting at a grocery store in Oregon. “I hate to say it, but there’s a new Beyoncé song called America has a problem. And every time I hear it, I think: this is it like, this is — this is the homeland security problem,” she said. “We’re just not seeing it as one, because each separate case we can explain away in some ways.”

…And Democrats have often been accused of sort of supporting defund the police. So, you have this sort of very focused effort to support police and law enforcement. And then, a narrative, or at least as we’re going to hear from President Biden tomorrow when he supports an assault rifle ban that objections to gun control are fundamentally anti-police. Read more…

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