Biden, Crime, Government, International, Politics

Exclusive: Biden Frees Al Qaeda Terrorist!

A Baltimore schoolboy-turned-terrorist was quietly freed from Guantanamo Bay on February 2 by Joe Biden and relocated to Belize at taxpayer expense. He is the first high-value detainee to be released from Guantanamo Bay and the first inmate resettled by the Biden administration.

Majid Khan was the only American resident locked up in Guantanamo Bay. He ran errands for the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (KSM). He also plotted to blow up Pakistan’s then-President Pervez Musharraf, a key U.S. ally in 2002. He wore a suicide vest packed with explosives and waited at a mosque for Musharraf to arrive. When he didn’t show up, KSM sent Khan back to the United States as a sleeper agent to attack gas stations and poison water supplies. He was captured by Pakistani security forces in March 2003. Before he was captured, Khan couriered al Qaeda cash to Indonesia that financed a 2003 hotel bombing, killing a dozen people. Read more…

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