
Massive Caravan of Migrants to Flood US Border!

A new migrant caravan, comprising around 2,000 individuals, is currently journeying northward towards the US-Mexico border, with El Paso, Texas, expected to be their destination within the next few days. Videos circulating online depict a sizable group traversing the streets of southern Mexico, with apparent leaders urging them forward through bullhorns, chanting “A la frontera” (To the border). The caravan claims to be comprised of international workers, not criminals, echoing a common sentiment among migrant groups seeking entry into the United States.

Church-operated border shelters are bracing for the imminent arrival of the caravan, as they grapple with limited space to accommodate the growing influx of migrants attempting to enter the country. Rev. Francisco Bueno Guillen, director of the Casa del Migrante shelter in Juarez, Mexico, reported being in contact with shelters in southern Mexico and confirmed expectations of at least 2,000 migrants heading towards El Paso from Chiapas.

Dubbed the “Migrant’s Via Crusis” and organized by Mexican activists in Chiapas, the caravan embarked on its journey from Tapachula, near the Guatemala border, aiming to provide safe passage for migrants bound for the US. Additional groups of foreign nationals, numbering in the hundreds, have congregated in Chihuahua City, approximately 230 miles from El Paso, further straining resources in the region.

As the Casa del Migrante shelter and other facilities reach capacity, concerns mount over the ability to adequately accommodate arriving migrants. The Kiki Romero municipal gym in Juarez is already three-quarters full, signaling the growing strain on available accommodations. Bishop Mark J. Seitz of the El Paso Catholic Diocese has assured counterparts in Mexico of ongoing efforts to mobilize resources and address emerging trends in migration patterns.

In response to escalating tensions and security threats at the border, the Texas National Guard has deployed 200 members of the Tactical Border Force to El Paso. Specializing in managing civil disobedience incidents, this deployment follows a recent breach at the border where migrants stormed into El Paso, resulting in clashes with Border Patrol agents. Texas authorities have since charged nine individuals involved in the breach with various offenses, including inciting a riot and assault on National Guard members. Further charges are expected to be levied against additional individuals involved in the incident.

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