
How Will the 2022 Election Go for Patriots?

Last week, Tucker Carlson showcased the fact that the GOP is doing its best to lose November’s election.

He included a clip of Mitch McConnell admitting that the GOP would likely not take the Senate. McConnell and the rest of the leadership don’t want to win. Carlson rightly suggested that, if Republicans really wanted to win, they’d run on crime and immigration. While the economy is reportedly voters’ number one issue, it’s what goes on in their neighborhoods and on their streets that matters. If Americans don’t feel safe in their homes, walking down their streets, or sitting in drive-thru lines because they’re scared to go into a restaurant or store, nothing else matters…not the economy, abortion, gender rights, or Ukraine.

Republicans don’t care. They’re complaining about Biden’s spending, bemoaning government overreach, and sanctioning Putin. Those issues aren’t going to return the GOP to power, but Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna McDaniel seem sanguine. Their lives don’t change if the GOP doesn’t take back Congress. They’ll still rule their little fiefdoms, still be invited to Georgetown cocktail parties to be feted by lobbyists and, of course, they’ll still be on Sunday morning shows to feign outrage for the latest Democrat policy.

For these grifters, the only difference between winning and losing in November is having to work for the American people…something they’re loathe to do.

But for the average American, the difference between winning and losing in November is literally life and death, lawlessness, or civil society. Read more…

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