
Dems Scramble: Biden Guarantees November Disaster!

It’s a tough pill to swallow for the Democrats, but as it stands, Joe Biden is on a one-way trip to losing the 2024 election. While Republicans should avoid getting too comfortable with their current position, it’s clear that Biden is staring down the barrel of an Electoral College landslide. Hill Democrats, some of whom have been particularly vocal critics after Biden’s disastrous June 27 debate performance, are preparing for a total wipeout if the Delaware liberal stubbornly clings to a job he was arguably never fit for. Despite national polls showing Biden trailing Trump by just a few points, it’s not looking good. Biden needs to be way ahead to have any realistic shot at 270 electoral votes.

The situation isn’t any better when you zoom in on specific states. Biden’s team has all but given up hope of retaining their 2020 gains in the Sun Belt. Instead, they’re desperately clinging to the hope of winning back Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania—all states where Trump currently leads. Pennsylvania, in particular, seems ready to flip, which would pretty much seal the deal. Even among congressional Democrats, there’s a strong sentiment that Biden should step aside, with whispers that even Nancy Pelosi privately wishes he’d bow out.

The dysfunction within the Democratic Party, just 16 weeks from Election Day, is something no one saw coming. The June 27 debate was the final nail in the coffin, turning what should have been a disciplined campaign into a disorganized mess. Rather than bringing in critical voices to right the ship, Biden has surrounded himself with family members and yes-men, further insulating himself from reality. According to a Politico piece, one aide bluntly summarized the party’s chances in 2024 with just two words: “It’s over.”

Despite the obvious writing on the wall, Biden isn’t going anywhere, leaving many Democrats resigned to the likelihood of a second Trump term. With their primary hope dashed, the party’s new goal has become a frantic attempt to at least establish a congressional check on Trump’s potential second term. But let’s face it, trying to pull together a cohesive secondary strategy this late in the game is a long shot at best.

So, here we are. The Democrats, with their disorganized campaign and unpopular candidate, are barreling towards what looks like an inevitable defeat. And while Republicans should certainly keep their guard up, it’s hard not to sit back and watch the Democratic Party unravel with a bit of bemused detachment. After all, they’ve got no one to blame but themselves for clinging to a candidate who’s clearly lost touch with the political reality.

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