Corruption Government Politics

Cuomo Predicts Doom for ‘Fire-Alarm’ Bowman!

Ousted Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) recently weighed in on the challenging primary race between Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and George Latimer, suggesting that Bowman’s defeat was inevitable.

Referring to Bowman’s notorious fire alarm incident — where Bowman claimed he mistakenly pulled a fire alarm instead of an exit door — Cuomo predicted a crushing defeat for the progressive Squad member in the upcoming Tuesday primary. “Jamaal Bowman should pull the fire alarm again because he is going to be smoked by @LatimerforNY today. The message is clear: anti-semitism in any and all forms will not be tolerated in New York. And you can’t call yourself a progressive without making progress. Vote!” Cuomo tweeted.

Cuomo’s remarks about anti-Semitism highlighted Bowman’s association with the far-Left progressive “Squad,” known for their controversial stance on Israel. In the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas terror attacks on Israel, Bowman aligned himself with anti-Israel protesters, repeatedly calling for an immediate ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Bowman’s strained relationship with the Jewish community in his district has also been a point of contention. A recent report revealed that Bowman had texted a Jewish leader in his district asking for a photo of them together, stating he wanted to “show the world I’m friends with Jewish people.” The Jewish leader, uncomfortable with the request, chose not to send the photo: “I was uncomfortable. I kind of joked around with him about it. I said, ‘Oh, I’m sure you guys have it. Don’t worry about it.’ I was like, ‘I don’t want to be his court Jew.’ That wasn’t what I signed up for.”

Cuomo’s comments underscore the political and social challenges Bowman faces as he navigates the primary, with significant scrutiny on his actions and affiliations within the broader community.

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