Biden Elections Politics Trump

Harvard/Harris Poll: Trump Surges Ahead with Independent Voters

A recent national poll has unveiled a notable lead for Donald Trump over Joe Biden by 6 points, with Trump showing a substantial advantage among independent voters with an 11-point lead. The Harvard CAPS/Harris poll revealed that 49 percent of voters across the nation would choose Trump, while 43 percent indicated they would vote for Biden, with 8 percent remaining uncertain about their choice.

The poll further indicated a strong backing for Trump within the Republican Party, with 93 percent of GOP voters expressing their support for him. In contrast, a significant proportion of Democrat voters, at 8 percent, mentioned they would cross party lines to vote for Trump. Among independent voters, 47 percent favored Trump, compared to 36 percent for Biden.

In a head-to-head comparison, when forced to choose between Trump and Biden, 53 percent of respondents leaned towards Trump, while 47 percent favored Biden. Even with the inclusion of a third-party candidate like Robert F. Kennedy, Trump retained his lead with 43 percent support, while Biden garnered 39 percent, and Kennedy received 12 percent backing.

Regarding potential vice presidential picks for Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis emerged as the frontrunner with 12 percent support, followed by Tim Scott at 9 percent and Vivek Ramaswamy at 8 percent. Notably, the option for “none of the above” led with 28 percent support, driven largely by Democrat and independent respondents.

The poll also reflected a high level of certainty among voters, with 70 percent of Democrats, 78 percent of GOP voters, and 56 percent of independents having made up their minds about their preferred candidate for the upcoming November elections.

Furthermore, the majority of respondents expressed a desire for debates between Biden and Trump, with 79 percent indicating their preference for such debates and 63 percent believing they would offer valuable information. Additionally, 71 percent of respondents favored the inclusion of third-party candidates in these debates.

Conducted among 1,660 registered voters nationwide between May 15 and 16, the poll carries a margin of error of 2 percent, highlighting significant trends in voter sentiment and preferences leading up to the upcoming elections.

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