China, Government, Health & Environment

Shocking: CCP Infiltrates US Firm with Taxpayer-Backed EV Battery Plants

A Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary from Anhui province reportedly established a talent recruitment “work station” at the Silicon Valley headquarters of Gotion Inc., a Chinese-owned company planning to build two taxpayer-backed battery plants in Michigan. This revelation has raised concerns about China’s talent recruitment initiatives and their implications for U.S. national security.

In 2017, a CCP delegation from Hefei, Anhui province, visited Gotion Inc.’s Fremont, California headquarters, where the Anhui party secretary leading the delegation presided over the establishment of an Overseas Talent Work Station. These work stations aimed to attract experts from the U.S. and Europe to work in Anhui Province.

China’s aggressive talent recruitment efforts have raised concerns about potential national security risks. These efforts involve luring scientists, academics, and researchers from other countries with lavish funding, and they have been a part of China’s broader strategy to advance its scientific and economic goals.

Gotion Inc. plans to build two electric vehicle battery plants in Michigan with significant support from state subsidies. However, the company’s ties to the CCP through its parent company, Gotion High-Tech, have led to criticism from many Republicans who question the potential influence of the CCP in such projects.

The controversy surrounding Gotion Inc.’s battery plant project has sparked a debate over the CCP’s presence and influence within the company. Some argue that concerns about CCP involvement are exaggerated and based on fear-mongering, while others believe it is crucial to assess the national security implications of Chinese companies operating in the U.S.

The establishment of the Overseas Talent Work Station at Gotion Inc.’s U.S. headquarters highlights the challenges and risks associated with China’s aggressive talent recruitment efforts and the need for vigilance regarding foreign influence on U.S. businesses and research institutions. From a conservative perspective, it is essential to prioritize national security and ensure that foreign entities do not compromise American interests.

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